Beyond the Culture Wars: Empowering Thoughtful, Smart Students with Agency

Charles Cole, III
3 min readMar 31, 2023


The ongoing culture wars in the United States have led to a polarized and often toxic discourse around education. Focusing on individuals as heroes or villains and reacting to sensationalized stories has overshadowed the real goal of education: fostering thoughtful, smart students who have agency. It’s time to look past the culture wars and focus on what truly matters — providing the best possible educational experience for every child in the nation.

1. Shifting the Focus from Heroes and Villains to Educational Quality: Our society’s obsession with labeling individuals as heroes or villains has detracted from the genuine pursuit of quality education. Instead of getting caught up in these narratives, we must redirect our attention towards creating an equitable and effective educational system that benefits all students.

2. Combating Sensationalism and Encouraging Critical Thinking: As a society, we have become increasingly reactive to sensationalized stories and headlines, often at the expense of understanding the facts. To counteract this, we must prioritize the development of critical thinking and media literacy skills in our students. This will empower them to discern fact from fiction and engage in meaningful, informed discussions.

3. Cultivating Thoughtful, Nuanced Scholars in a Judgmental Society: Our ultimate goal should be to foster the growth of thoughtful, nuanced scholars who have the agency to make informed decisions about their lives and the world around them. This means creating a learning environment that encourages curiosity, exploration, and the development of problem-solving skills, while also addressing the challenges posed by our current climate of heavy judgment and performative outrage.

It is important that we do not lose sight of the broader purpose of education. This involves nurturing students’ ability to think critically, engage in respectful dialogue, and form their own opinions in a society that often favors harsh judgments and extreme reactions.

…the answer is not to ban books or shy away from difficult conversations, but rather to raise a generation that can not only comprehend challenging texts but also make quality decisions for themselves.

4. Addressing Educational Inequality and Prioritizing Teacher Training: By addressing educational disparities and investing in teacher training, we can help ensure that all students have access to a high-quality education. This includes not only subject matter expertise but also the ability to manage diverse classrooms, foster critical thinking, and support the social-emotional growth of their students. High quality, rigorous education should exist right alongside ensuring students are whole emotionally. Stop treating this as one or the other when both are critical.

In conclusion, the answer is not to ban books or shy away from difficult conversations, but rather to raise a generation that can not only comprehend challenging texts but also make quality decisions for themselves. By focusing on building thoughtful, nuanced scholars who can navigate our increasingly judgmental and polarized society, we can work towards a brighter future for all students.

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Dr. Charles Cole, III is an educator focused on the advancement of youth, but more specifically Black males. His experience helped lead to the publication of his first book, Beyond Grit and Resilience. As founder of Energy Convertors, Charles comes from the community and has shared many of the students’ experiences.

Charles’ life goal is to better the communities he grew up in, which include Chicago, Paducah (KY), and Oakland.



Charles Cole, III

Founder of Energy Convertors | | @ccoleiii | Blood of a Slave, Heart of a King | #BeAnEnergyConvertor | #DoWork